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Introducing YesBoss

Bring PA back home

Welcome to YesBoss, the advanced Information Technology Startup paving the way to the future. We are a team of like-minded and determined individuals, all sharing a vision for success. We believe that our sophisticated technology has the potential to become an industry sensation. Would you like to find out more? Explore our website today.


Corporate Vision: To improve lives through Real Estate Technology

Corporate Mission: To reach out 40% of APAC household by 2025.

About Us

The Leading Real Estate Technology Startup

It's 2018 and legend has it, a few friends were enjoying some tea together. As is common with Southeast Asians, we started ranting about real estate, house price, livability and for sure technology.


Today, we did something uncommon - we started the idea - the technology helping human do great things.

We decided to solve the problem. YesBoss this brand started. Our simple goal will transform into something bigger soon – to make Southeast Asia a better place.


But you are more than just a “friends” to us. Like you, we too are Malaysians, Singaporeans, Indonesians, Thais, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Filipinos and Myanmar people. You are our neighbors. Friends. Family. And whatever we do, it’s to bring all of us together, to have a better place through Technology.


We will announce future activities, our Advisory Board, Management Team and our Prototypes here. If you know anyone can contribute or would like to be a Venture Capitalist, do private message.

Our Innovative Technology

Advanced Solutions

At YesBoss, we believe that our solutions will soon become one of the biggest segments in the industry. We’ve only just started, but we already know that every product we build requires hard-earned skills, dedication and a daring attitude. Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the smart tech behind our successful Information Technology Startup.


Dr Tan Juan Jim


Tan Sri Dato Dr. Michael Yeoh


Prof. Dr. Sr Noor Rosly Bin Hanif


Poo Ching Loong.jpg


Management Team



Joon Chuan

Management Team

City Skyline

Angels, we are looking for you...

"Well done is better than well said"

Benjamin Franklin

With billions of dollars flowing into start-ups around the world, that question has never been more important, nor the answer more consequential. Silicon Valley venture-capital has backed almost two dozen unicorns—start-ups valued at more than $1 billion—including Box, Skype, Tumblr, and Twitter. 
We believe this starts with people, who can convince investor that whatever they’re working on is going to work. Usually, this has to be in some sector of the economy that we feel is going to experience rapid growth, that’s in a period of massive disruptive change. Real Estate Technology will be the next big thing that you do not want to miss.
What are the hot sectors?
We look at how Moore’s law is percolating into new industries and turning them from industrial, bricks mortars, lowest-gross-margin businesses into software-centric, rapidly innovating, exciting businesses. Think of the transition that Tesla brought to the automobile industry or Grab to the public transport.
In all cases, those industries especially real estate hadn’t seen a new entrant for decades—literally decades. There hadn’t been a real estate technology IPO. It’s different now; it’s a software-centric industry. Over time, it’s been transformed by an entirely different pace of product enhancements pushed over the Artificial Intelligent, Big Data and Internet of Things era. 
Get involve with this golden opportunity by investing at the right people, right sector and right timing. Do contact the team to have a further understanding about this golden opportunity not to miss. We are looking for angel fund, round A funds etc. Hope to work with you in the near future!

Asyraf Syukri


Nani Maming


Brandon Cheah



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